C.C. White – Soul Kirtan

Hi Beautiful Souls, sharing tender thoughts with you during these trying times.

Life as we know it has changed drastically and we are all trying our best to deal.

I’m wondering.

What are the first couple of places you’re going to go, or people you’re going to see when this is all over? I posed this question on Facebook and got so many amazing responses of places and people that are being missed so much now that we’re not able to see them or go to these places.

It’s an interesting train of thought, what was so easily accessible is now not. What could be brought or obtained with a quick trip here or there, now takes much longer as we’re being made to stand in long lines, 6 feet apart from one another and most grocery stores are only allowing a few people in at a time.

Our minds are being worked overtime at occupying ourselves, being around each other 24/7 when in the past we had so much more to put in between and around us. Finding new interest, going online much more, having our children around us all the time and helping as best we can to understand what’s going on here.

Are we learning to truly appreciate what we had before this all started? Will that gratefulness stay with us when it’s over and we’re free to do as we please?  Are we meditating more, looking for inner peace, keeping fit, exercising and continuing to eat healthy?  Are we making sure to call on others, even people we haven’t been in touch with for a while?  We don’t know how they’re feeling and should check up on them.  A beautiful conversation of care and concern can make all the difference in the world, letting them know someone cares.  People are losing jobs, not able to make their bills and don’t know what to do.  Pass along kindness, caring and positivity.

Hopefully we won’t take these things for granted anymore and understand our lives and existence more deeply when we can once again be closer.

To all the ones that are suffering and sick, to the ones that have lost friends and loved ones, my heart, prayers of strength and condolences go out to you.

In love,

*C.C. White Soul Kirtan

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